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INTRODUCTION Learning & Personality

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : It’s actually fairly easy to understand why children do badly at school – if you know what you are looking for. But strangely, in a world of science, where everything that happens has a reason, we are all too willing to accept that children failing at school -is just bad luck – a type of magic if you will.

It is very possible to change how well kids do at school. And surprise surprise – very little of the treatment plan even considers trying to teach them any more or any more intensively.

Children do badly at school because they have problems. These problems are based on events occurring within their bodies, their bodies being organic molecular based biomechanical machines which very slavishly follow the laws of cause and effect- molecular cause and effect. In short, you do badly at school because there is something wrong with you. And if you know what you are doing, you can substantially change the outcome of the school experience by changing what is going wrong in the person – most especially in the brain of the person.

New Ideas : Paill Spectrum Plus New Ideas like Paill Spectrum always take a long time to gain acceptance.

Goo Numbat Goo : I remember you telling me how you have seen children on very basic treatments go from the bottom of the class to the top of the class over 2 years.

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Yes. You’re most likely to see this type of success in the younger age groups, but the success can be very spectacular indeed- if the intervention is done in the nick of time.

Yes I have seen kids go from the bottom of the class to the top of the class. Yes I have seen kids go from being the worst behaved child in the class to the one winning all the awards for good behaviour. Yes I have seen children with severe learning disorders/ ?Aspergers disorder in the autism spectrum, go from being unable to speak and unable to socialise – to smiling, interacting happily with classmates and family members, and beginning to speak in sentences. (Most spectacularly one patient over about 5 months comes to mind. An incredible transition. A transition from Lifelong vegetable to average kid in a few months, using very simple interventions. Though interventions with very specific organic molecular biomechanical effects).

Children Learning Paill Spectrum affects children's learning and socialisation and their psychosexual development as well.

Erasmus Erasmus : So what other mechanisms are there through which learning fails?

Dr AXxxxx Dr. AXxxxx : There can be only one. Cackle! Cackle!

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Yes. Things really happen for a reason. But the first thing we’re going to do is understand what exactly is destroying the child’s capacity to learn. What are the things that make a child “bad at school”?

Child at school Child learning well. PaillSpectrum guarantees not.



The first and most important problem in learning: is the failure of memory.

Kids cannot remember. So much of learning is based on pattern recognition. Words have letters in specific orders – giving words with specific meanings. If you can’t remember the pattern – you cannot recognise it. Language and especially the written word becomes a meaningless collection of unintelligible scrawlings.

It gets sad when you see kids try and try and try - for hours. Yet you rapidly come to the realisation that you (yourself) could look at a list of spelling the night before for 3 minutes and get them all right the next day at school. Whereas the affected child can spend 2 hours trying to learn the same list of words – and get them all wrong the next day at school, (in a spelling test).

All these things happen for a reason. Memory is damaged. And the mechanism of memory loss can be controlled with basic therapy.

Erasmus Erasmus : So what next?

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Well the next problem is something called dyslexia. Dyslexia does involve memory loss and a problem of pattern recognition, but there is more.

The condition can also affect the ability to remember a sequence of actions or to process a sequence of actions. Kids don’t do things that they are told to do – because they are told by their teachers to do them the wrong way/inappropriately in considering their brain function.

For example a teacher may say to a child: go to your desk – get out your English book – open the book to chapter 9 – look at the picture on the page explaining the meaning of the word we’re talking about. The child with dyslexia sees all the children in the classroom doing something – but all he can remember is the instruction “look at the picture” – but which picture from where?

Sequencing Memory Sequence memory is especially damaged by Paill Spectrum.

Erasmus Erasmus : How about ADD or ADHD?

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Although we talk about ADD or ADHD as medical diagnoses, they are probably best considered as symptoms of a spectrum. Some kids have a high-capacity to pay attention or to concentrate. Some kids have a low capacity to pay attention or to concentrate. And this is not random. This is not even largely attributable to genetics. This again is something that happens for a reason – a medical reason. This is something which can be changed and which is amenable to treatment.

Erasmus Erasmus : Surely genetics must impact this sort of a medical problem?

DNA and Genetic Factors DNA and genetics plays only an indirect role in the genesis of psychiatric disorders.

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Well there are indeed genetic factors. Our site on enneagram genetics goes into this a lot more. (

Enneagram “7” children have symptoms which look like hyperactivity. However they are capable of concentrating and learning – but the “pattern” of concentrating and learning is unique to this personality type.
The high level of noradrenaline activity with these kids brains demands short cycling bursts of activity – one activity after another – the cycle eventually returning to the original activity. They remember well but their brains demand “change focus”.

Enneagram “3, 6, 2” children live in their “heads”. That means they are prone to daydreaming and drifting to another place unless they are kept challenged and focused by activities. If the teacher is boring – the kids won’t be snoring – the kids will in fact be astral travelling to much more interesting places.

Enneagram “8 or 1” children are very literal facts minded and very straight ahead in their learning and behaviour profiles. If they want to do it – they will do it. An enneagram “8” child will happily face up to any adult in conflict. These children need to respect their teacher to benefit from the learning experience. They need to be shown the concept of “options” in their behaviour or their activities. They really need to be taught the concept of think before you act – because their brain often presents them with only a single course of action on which to act. And their brains often do not spell out “consequences” to them at all.


To understand human behaviour, you must understand the Enneagram.


Goo Numbat Goo : Yes I have often thought that learning needs to be individualised for the personality of the person. But more importantly you need to fix medical problems as well.

I can also see how inattention/ overactivity have different meanings in different children. Inattention is a very different issue in an enneagram 7” than in an “enneagram 8’. Similarly, sociability is a very different issue in a social than in a self-pres personality. A quiet self-pres kid who keeps to himself or herself is normal. The same behaviour in an enneagram social is evidence of serious brain pathology.

Erasmus Erasmus : Do children suffer from psychiatric disorders as well?

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : They do. But the presentation is very different to the presentation of an adult. I have heard stories of children with incipient schizophrenia- tell how they hear birds singing – that no one else can hear. Children can be prone to anxiety – or restlessness type events.

Children’s learning problems relate to the age at which medical events occur in their lives. This is because many learning events occur at particular ages or stages of a child’s development.

So when a medical problem becomes obvious – it causes problems of the particular nature at a particular age.

For example, a pre-teenage boy developing organic bio mechanical medical issues will have those areas of the brain targeted that are particularly developing at the pre-teenage time segment. The most unique and characteristic development occurring at this time is the development of psychosocial orientation. In particular, boys learn to like girls and develop a “repulsion” in psychosexual terms to other boys and men. This is a critical event. If this development does not occur – boys do not orient to girls.

Mood and Illness Humans are a miserable species- for a reason.

Girls develop differently in psychosexual terms. They do not experience a reorientation phenomenon. So there are no symptoms of a failure of this sort of organic biomechanical event,) there being no event). Girls in contrast to boys develop a psychosexual orientation purely based on their experiences. Good experiences with men give male orientation. Good experiences with women give female orientation. Good experiences with both allow orientation and tolerance of both in a psychosexual sense.



Unwell Kids Tiredness and fatigue - common symptoms in adult Paill Spectrum, presents differently in children with Paill Spectrum.

Keywords Summary

Erasmus : Dyslexia: Children with dyslexia, learning difficulties, spelling problems, maths problems, developmental delay, and school problems may be suffering from the treatable medical condition Paill Spectrum. Other terms used to describe this condition may include language difficulties and learning disability in children, poor memory, disability, reading difficulties, spelling errors, writing problems or difficulties, word recognition failure, unable to read or auditory processing deficits

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Other Symptoms are chronic fatigue, tiredness, sleepy, memory loss, dizziness or loss of balance, clumsiness, easy bruising, aches and pains such as sore elbows, sore chest, abdominal pain and sore Achilles tendons.





Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Dyslexia: Children with dyslexia, learning difficulties, spelling problems, maths problems, developmental delay, and school problems may be suffering from the treatable medical condition Paill Spectrum. Other terms used to describe this condition may include language difficulties and learning disability in children, poor memory, disability, reading difficulties, spelling errors, writing problems or difficulties, word recognition failure, unable to read or auditory processing deficits.

Other Symptoms are chronic fatigue, tiredness, sleepy, memory loss, dizziness or loss of balance, clumsiness, easy bruising, aches and pains such as sore elbows, sore chest, abdominal pain and sore Achilles tendons.




Keywords Paill

Dr Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxx : Symptoms that the Paill Spectrum Model suggests may be associated with memory loss include:
Jitters or shakes, panics, anxiety attacks
Anxiety or mood depression
Chest pains,
Poor memory, memory loss
Volatile mood,
Failing relationship,
Aches and pains such as tennis elbow, sore elbows, sore chest, abdominal pain, sore backs of knees, sore Achilles tendons, sore and stiff hands.
Poor balance, dizzy, dizziness, loss of balance
Narrow minded, doing stupid things, getting lost on the way home or in a shopping centre,
Failing relationships,
Impulsive, memory loss, impulsive behaviour





Keyword Summary

Erasmus Erasmus :  This site has been originally authored by Dr. Xxxxx and has been saved from oblivion by Erasmus and Kinkajou. The site focuses on Paill Spectrum, ADD, ADHD. Symptoms (symptom) such as Sleep problems, Delay, Development Delay, illness, depression, Bad Behaviour, Naughty, Impulsive Behaviour, Memory Problems, Learning Problems, Learning difficulty, Dyslexia are covered. Medical Treatment, symptom in children, Delay, Development, illness symptoms in children, nutrition therapy, Education treatments are discussed.